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Text File | 1997-05-14 | 9.9 KB | 310 lines | [TEXT/ttxt] |
- FileIO Xtra
- Version 1.0.2 - 18apr97 CH
- FileIO Xtra for Macromedia Director 6.0
- =======================================
- FileIO provides a set of methods allowing users of Macromedia Director 6.0 to
- programmatically access files using the Lingo scripting language.
- Using FileIO
- ============
- If automatic opening is desired, place a copy of the FileIO Xtra for your platform
- into Application Xtra's folder. If automatic opening is not desired, the Xtra can be
- placed anywhere and opened using Lingo's 'openXLib' command. This applies to
- projector's as well, the Xtra must be placed in an Xtra's folder in the same folder
- as the projector.
- Each instance of FileIO can reference a single open file. If multiple files are to
- be opened simultaneously, a new instance of FileIO is required for each opened file.
- A single instance can be used to open multiple files, as long as the file is closed
- before a new file is opened. To create a new instance, use the new() method, defined
- below. To dispose of an instance, set the instance variable to 0. All methods that
- read from or write to the file must be called after the file has been opened using
- the openFile() method. If a new file is to be opened using the same instance, the
- file must be closed using closeFile(). Files can be opened in three different modes:
- Read, Write and Read/Write. When writing to a file, the contents of the file after
- the current position are overwritten.
- Example Lingo
- set myFile = new(xtra "fileio") -- Create an instance of FileIO
- set fileName = displayOpen(myFile) -- Display Open Dialog and return the fileName
- openFile(myFile, fileName, 1) -- Open the file
- set theFile = readFile(myFile) -- Read the file and return a string to Lingo
- closeFile(myFile) -- Close the file
- set myFile = 0 -- Dispose of the instance
- In this example, we created a new instance and stored it in the variable myFile.
- Next, the displayOpen() method is used to display an open dialog to allow a file to
- be chosen. The file is returned as a fully-qualified path string to Lingo. The file
- is then opened in read only mode, the contents of the file are read, and the file is
- closed. Lastly, the instance is disposed of.
- Known Problems
- ==============
- The createFile() method does not support relative filenames, or the Lingo '@'
- operator in pathnames. This will be fixed in a later version.
- The displaySave() method does not directly inform Lingo whether a user is
- replacing an existing file. The workaround is to attempt to create the file using
- createFile() and check the error code for a "File Already Exists" error.
- History
- =======
- 18apr97 (v1.0.2)
- Fixed parenting problem with displaySave() and displayOpen() methods.
- Added support for Authorware.
- 27may96 (v1.0.1)
- Added support for double-byte character sets.
- Added version() method to report FileIO Xtra version information.
- Added getOSDir() to return a full path to the Windows Directory/System Folder.
- 15mar96 (v1.0.0 Beta)
- First public release.
- Method Reference
- ================
- The first line of each definition contains the method name, a list of parameters and
- thier value types. The internal name of the FileIO Xtra is "fileio". This name is
- used whenever referencing the xtra using the form 'xtra "fileio"'.
- Note that while Director and projector's can use net-based files by supplying a URL
- for a filename, the FileIO Xtra cannot. It is limited to accessesing files available
- via filesystems mounted on the local system.
- New methods will appear at the bottom of this list.
- ---
- mMessageList( xtra reference )
- Returns a list of methods and parameters, as well as a brief explanation of each.
- ---
- new( xtra reference )
- This is called to create a new instance of FileIO. The Xtra can be referenced by name
- or number. It returns an instance variable used to reference the instance.
- ---
- fileName( instance )
- Returns the fileName string of the current open file. The file must be open use this
- method.
- ---
- status( instance )
- Returns the error code returned by the last method called. The value is returned as
- an integer.
- ---
- error( instance, int error )
- Returns a readable error string. A numeric error code is passed in as the
- second argument. The errors returned can be any of the following:
- "OK"
- "Memory allocation failure"
- "File directory full"
- "Volume full"
- "Volume not found"
- "I/O Error"
- "Bad file name"
- "File not open"
- "Too many files open"
- "File not found"
- "No such drive"
- "No disk in drive"
- "Directory not found"
- "Instance has an open file"
- "File already exists"
- "File is opened read-only"
- "File is opened write-only"
- "Unknown error"
- ---
- setFilterMask( instance, string mask )
- Sets the filter mask used by calls to displayOpen() and displaySave(). The filter
- mask determines what files to show when displaying an Open or Save dialog. The second
- parameter is a string representing the filter mask to set. On Windows, this is a
- comma seperated string of file types and associated extensions (e.g. "All
- Files,*.*,Text Files,*.TXT"), and a string of types on the Macintosh (e.g.
- "TEXTPICT"). On Windows, the filter mask string is limited to 256 characters. On the
- Macintosh, you are limited to four four-character types. When a new instance of
- FileIO is created, the filter masks defaults to all files. To reset the filter mask to
- display all files after it has been set, just pass in an empty string (e.g.
- setFilterMask(me, "")).
- ---
- openFile( instance, string fileName, int openMode )
- Opens the named file. This call must be used before any read/write operations can
- take place. The filename can be either a fully-qualified path and filename, or a
- relative filename. The Lingo '@' pathname operator is supported. The openMode
- parameter specifies whether to open the file in Read, Write or ReadWrite mode. Valid
- Flags are: 0 Read/Write, 1 Read, 2 Write.
- ---
- closeFile( instance )
- Closes a file that has been previously opened using the openFile() method.
- ---
- displayOpen( instance )
- Displays a platform specific Open dialog allowing a user to specify a file. Returns a
- fully-qualified path and fileName to Lingo. The setFilterMask() method can be used to
- control what file types are displayed in the dialog.
- ---
- displaySave( instance, string title, string defaultFileName )
- Displays a platform specific Save dialog allowing a user to specify a file. Returns a
- fully-qualified path and fileName to Lingo. The setFilterMask() method can be used to
- control what file types are displayed in the dialog. The string and defaultFileName
- parameters allow you to specifiy a default filename to be displayed, as well as title
- text for the save dialog.
- ---
- createFile( instance, string fileName )
- Creates a file. The fileName must be either a fileName to be created in the current
- directory, or a fully-qualified path and fileName. The Lingo '@' pathname operator
- and relative paths are not supported. After creating the new file, the file must be
- opened before it can be written to.
- ---
- setPosition( instance, position )
- Sets the file position of the current open file. The file must be open to use this
- method.
- ---
- getPosition( instance )
- Gets the file position of the current open file. Returned as an integer. The file
- must be open to use this method.
- ---
- getLength( instance )
- Gets the length of the currently opened file. Returned as an integer. The file must
- be open use this method. The value returned is the length of the file in bytes.
- ---
- writeChar( instance, string theChar )
- Writes a single character to the file at the current position. The file must be open
- in write or read/write mode to use this method.
- ---
- writeString( instance, string theString )
- Writes a string to the file at the current position. The file must be open in write
- or read/write mode to use this method.
- ---
- readChar( instance )
- Reads the character (either single or double-byte) at the current position and then
- increments the position. The character is returned to Lingo as a string. The file must
- be open in read or read/write mode to use this method.
- ---
- readLine( instance )
- Reads from the current position up to and including the next CR, increments the
- position, and returns the string to Lingo. The file must be open in read or
- read/write mode to use this method.
- ---
- readFile( instance )
- Reads from the current position to the end of the file and returns the file to Lingo
- as a string. The file must be open in read or read/write mode to use this method.
- ---
- readWord( instance )
- Reads the next word starting at the current position. The file must be open in read
- or read/write mode to use this method.
- ---
- readToken( instance, string skipChar, string breakChar )
- Reads the next 'token' starting at the current position. Characters matching the
- skipChar parameter are "skipped" and the file is read until breakChar is encountered.
- The file must be open in read or read/write mode to use this method. This method will
- read double-byte tokens as long as the skip and break are single-byte characters. It
- will not detect double-byte skip or break characters.
- ---
- getFinderInfo( instance )
- Returns the Type and Creator of the current file as a string. This method does
- nothing when used under Windows. The file must be open to use this method.
- ---
- setFinderInfo( instance, string typeAndCreator )
- Sets the Type and Creator of the current file. The string takes the form of a space
- seperated set of TYPE and CREATOR codes (e.g. "TEXT TTXT"). This method does nothing
- when used under Windows. The file must be open to use this method.
- ---
- delete( instance )
- Deletes the currently opened file. The file must be open use this method.
- ---
- version( xtraRef )
- Returns FileIO version and build information. Useful when filing
- bug reports, determining installed version while authoring, etc. No practical use beyond this.
- ---
- getOSDir( )
- Global method that returns the full path to either the Windows directory, or the System Folder
- depending on which OS is currently being used. Does not require a child instance or
- Xtra reference to call.
- ---